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Prepaid International Cell Phones
Int'l SIM Cards and Airtime

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Complete International Travel Mobile Phone Solutions:

  • Convenience - keep the same phone number every time you travel
  • Low international roaming cost
  • Receive calls for FREE in over 125 countries
  • Includes $10 USD Initial Airtime Credit to start calling right away
  • Save up to 80% on calls worldwide
  • Coverage in over 200 countries
  • Top it up from anywhere at anytime - directly from your phone
  • Reliable, affordable and smart service

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Affordable Mobile Phone Solutions for International Travel - a great selection of prepaid SIM cards and mobile phones for international destinations.

If you are an international traveler - this is the most affordable mobile roaming solution for all your trips abroad month after month, year after year. All you need is to buy One SIM Card international mobile package or just an international SIM card once and then just refill your balance on a SIM card as needed.

International Mobile Phone service is right for you:





International Mobile Phone
for RENT:

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Buy a GSM int'l mobile phone package that works in 200 countries with the same mobile phone number everywhere and enjoy deeply discounted international rates and very low roaming charges.

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Get One-Sim-Card SIM card that will provide you with cell service in more than 200 countries having one single phone number in every country you travel at deeply discounted international rates.

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Each One-SIM-Card GSM cell phone package includes:

  • GSM mobile phone
  • OneSimCard SIM card
  • $10 initial airtime balance
  • AC charger
  • English-language manual
  • Battery
  • International electrical adapter

Buy A World SIM Card or International Mobile Phone?

If you already own an unlocked GSM or 3G international cell phone, then you just need our prepaid International SIM Card to start using your phone around the world. If you need a complete solution, then buy an International Cell Phone package, or for short-term travel try our International Cell Phone Rental program. Every cell phone we sell or rent comes pre-installed with our OneSimCard World SIM Card.

If you are using a T-Mobile or AT&T cell phone, chances are that your handset is equipped with a SIM card. A SIM card is a small smart chip that acts as an identification card for your GSM handset. You may already own an original or aftermarket unlocked GSM cell phone that you purchased while traveling overseas. If your phone is tri-band or quad-band, it is capable of OneSimCard international mobile roaming. All you need is our World SIM Card and you're good to go to any of the 200 countries we cover. Get prepaid international data SIM for mobile data service in over 130 countries, including unlimited Europe data plans.

Advantages of GSM Technology:

  • GSM is a digital technology
  • Excellent sound quality
  • High level of communication security
  • International roaming (every GSM subscriber may be able to make and receive calls on other GSM networks in countries around the world)
  • Services as SMS, Voice Mail, fax, data and more

What is GSM Mobile Wireless Service?

An International cell phone is classified as a GSM cell phone that operates on the GSM 900/1800 frequency. An international mobile phone with the appropriate SIM card will provide coverage in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim (including Australia). A world cell phone with the GSM 1900 frequency will expand coverage to include the United States, Canada and a growing part of South America.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is the world's leading cell phone standard, which was first adopted in Europe and then spread throughout Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim (Australia, N. Zealand, etc.). This explains why the same cell phone that works in London also works in Johannesburg, Beijing and Sydney. The United States however did not standardize and it was left to the competing mobile services carriers to create whatever standard they wished. This explains why many US international travelers have a hard time getting wireless coverage when they are overseas and paying $1-$7/minute. A typical cell phone in North America is not capable of service outside of North America.

Prepaid SIM cards will help you stay connected while avoiding high roaming charges associated with taking your domestic GSM cell phone abroad. Learn more about SIM cards for mobile phones.

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Prepaid Global Mobile Phone

About One-SIM-Card International Mobile

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