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International Dialing Codes, Country Dialing Codes,
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Country Dialing Codes


Click on the letter corresponding to the first letter of the Country name you are calling for area code lookup

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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Afghanistan 93 Mobile codes: 70, 7, 79
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Alaska 1907
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Albania 355 Mobile codes: 67, 68, 69, 38
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Algeria 213 Mobile codes: 79, 66, 69, 61, 77, 55
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American Samoa 1684 Mobile codes: 2
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Andorra 376 Mobile codes: 6, 3, 4
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Angola 244 Mobile codes: 91, 92, 95, 9
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Anguilla 1264 Mobile codes: 539, 536, 235, 772, 583, 543, 537, 469, 584, 581, 538, 476, 9, 729, 582
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Antarctica 672 Mobile codes: 11
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Antigua And Barbuda 1268 Mobile codes: 771, 722, 729, 789, 723, 782, 779, 783, 775, 732, 772, 724, 764, 720, 727, 784, 780, 785, 776, 734, 773, 725, 770, 721, 728, 786, 464, 781, 788, 778, 736, 774, 726
View dialing codes and compare Antigua And Barbuda phone cards
Argentina 54 Buenos Aires 11
Mobile codes: 11496, 11492, 11453, 11497, 11493, 11467, 11498, 11494, 11491, 1140, 11591, 155, 2244, 50, 14, 2234, 33, 1149, 2224, 28, 22, 2265, 69, 197, 2255, 60, 9, 156, 2245, 55, 153, 2235, 40, 1153, 2225, 30, 2214, 2266, 10, 20, 2256, 63, 167, 2246, 58, 154, 2236, 414, 1159, 2226, 32, 2215, 26, 21, 2264, 67, 193, 2254, 59
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Armenia 374 Yerevan 1
Mobile codes: 94, 77, 97, 91, 9, 99, 93, 7
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Aruba 297 Mobile codes: 73, 6, 74, 56, 96, 59, 99
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Ascension Island 247
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Australia 61 Mobile codes: 68, 406, 422, 438, 500, 403, 419, 435, 4666, 40, 400, 416, 432, 4663, 17, 143, 413, 429, 4660, 14, 79, 410, 426, 449, 69, 407, 423, 439, 66, 404, 420, 436, 48, 41, 401, 417, 433, 4664, 18, 145, 414, 430, 4661, 15, 07, 411, 427, 450, 71, 408, 424, 447, 67, 405, 421, 437, 44, 402, 418, 434, 4665, 19, 147, 415, 431, 4662, 16, 1, 412, 428, 458, 78, 409, 425, 448
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Austria 43 Premium Services 820
Mobile codes: 454, 644, 6995, 699, 6992, 67890, 676, 681, 69987, 666, 69988, 69984, 663, 740, 69981, 650, 678, 6996, 78, 6993, 67891, 686, 6990, 6999, 667, 69989, 69985, 664, 810, 69982, 660, 6888, 6997, 334, 60, 6994, 688, 6991, 67833, 668, 677, 69986, 665, 680, 69983, 661, 730, 69980
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Azerbaijan 994 Baku 12
Mobile codes: 55, 70, 40, 51, 50, 60540
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Bahamas 1242 Mobile codes: 428, 457, 477, 559, 425, 454, 474, 556, 422, 451, 471, 552, 359, 441, 467, 535, 433, 464, 524, 646, 429, 458, 478, 565, 426, 455, 475, 557, 423, 452, 472, 553, 375, 442, 468, 544, 9, 434, 465, 525, 727, 431, 462, 479, 577, 427, 456, 476, 558, 424, 453, 473, 554, 395, 443, 470, 551, 357, 436, 466, 533, 432, 463, 481, 636
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Bahrain 973 Mobile codes: 37, 96, 38, 9, 39, 36, 94
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Bangladesh 880 Chittagong 31, Dhaka 2, Sylhet 82
Mobile codes: 16, 1, 17, 11, 18, 15, 19
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Barbados 1246 Mobile codes: 83, 533, 530, 258, 230, 534, 531, 259, 256, 82, 532, 26, 257
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Belarus 375 Minsk 172
Mobile codes: 44, 29, 259, 33
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Belgium 32 Mobile codes: 7, 47, 17, 98, 16, 48, 49
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Belize 501 Mobile codes: 67620, 60, 627, 624, 621, 61, 628, 625, 622, 66, 1, 626, 623
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Benin 229 Mobile codes: 9
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Bermuda 1441 Mobile codes: 55, 51, 234, 59, 52, 3, 7, 53, 50
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Bhutan 975 Mobile codes: 93
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Bolivia 591 La Paz 22
Mobile codes: 1, 7
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Bosnia And Herzegovina 387 Mobile codes: 62, 66, 63, 90, 65, 61, 6
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Botswana 267 Mobile codes: 73, 2, 74, 71, 75, 72
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Brazil 55 Belo Horizonte 310, Caratinga 33, Governado Valeres 33, Rio 210, Rio De Janeiro 21, Sao Paulo 11
Mobile codes: 729, 787, 849, 917, 968, 507, 167, 237, 289, 359, 427, 478, 548, 599, 668, 719, 777, 839, 897, 958, 799, 157, 227, 279, 349, 417, 468, 538, 589, 658, 699, 767, 829, 887, 948, 999, 519, 147, 198, 269, 338, 397, 458, 528, 579, 648, 689, 757, 819, 877, 938, 989, 219, 137, 188, 259, 328, 387, 448, 517, 569, 638, 747, 798, 867, 928, 979, 19, 127, 178, 249, 317, 377, 438, 489, 559, 628, 679, 737, 788, 857, 918, 969, 7, 168, 238, 297, 367, 428, 479, 549, 617, 669, 727, 778, 847, 898, 959, 88, 158, 228, 287, 357, 418, 469, 539, 597, 659, 717, 768, 837, 888, 949, 619, 148, 199, 277, 347, 398, 459, 529, 587, 649, 697, 758, 827, 878, 939, 997, 311, 138, 189, 267, 329, 388, 449, 518, 577, 639, 748, 817, 868, 929, 987, 216, 128, 179, 257, 318, 378, 439, 498, 567, 629, 687, 738, 789, 858, 919, 977, 117, 169, 239, 298, 368, 429, 487, 557, 618, 677, 728, 779, 848, 899, 967, 99, 159, 229, 288, 358, 419, 477, 547, 598, 667, 718, 769, 838, 889, 957, 664, 149, 218, 278, 348, 399, 467, 537, 588, 657, 698, 759, 828, 879, 947, 998, 319, 139, 197, 268, 337, 389, 457, 527, 578, 647, 749, 818, 869, 937, 988, 217, 129, 187, 258, 327, 379, 447, 499, 568, 637, 688, 739, 797, 859, 927, 978, 119, 118, 177, 248, 299, 369, 437, 488, 558, 627, 678
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British Virgin Islands 1284 Mobile codes: 343, 499, 340, 4967, 4689, 444, 546, 441, 543, 345, 540, 341, 4968, 9, 4960, 445, 547, 442, 544, 346, 541, 342, 4969, 300, 4966, 446, 443, 545, 347, 542
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Brunei 673 Mobile codes: 227, 71, 8
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Bulgaria 359 Sofia 2
Mobile codes: 899, 79, 898, 888, 889, 887, 48, 17, 89, 88, 87
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Burkina Faso 226 Mobile codes: 76, 23, 78, 70, 75
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Burundi 257 Mobile codes: 29
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Cambodia 855 Mobile codes: 84, 1, 999, 89, 81, 92, 83, 998
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Cameroon 237 Mobile codes: 9, 99, 7
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Canada 1 Alberta (south) 403, British Columbia 250, Manitoba 204, Montreal 514, New Brunswick 506, New Foundland 709, Ontario 519, Ontario (northwest) 807, Ontario (toronto Metro) 416, Ottawa 613, Proper 289, Quebec 450, QuÉbec (central/north) 819, QuÉbec (quÉbec City) 418, Saskatchewan 306, Vancouver 604, Yukon & Nw Territories 867
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Cape Verde 238 Mobile codes: 91, 9
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Cayman Islands 1345 Mobile codes: 625, 927, 546, 249, 924, 527, 916, 919, 517, 649, 32, 645, 937, 623, 626, 928, 547, 616, 925, 529, 326, 922, 525, 663, 514, 646, 938, 629, 929, 548, 617, 926, 545, 229, 923, 526, 917, 516, 647, 939, 630, 936, 549
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Central African Republic 236 Mobile codes: 01
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Chad 235 Mobile codes: 6, 24
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Chile 56 Easter Island 322100, Santiago 2
Mobile codes: 9, 568, 569, 21, 60, 299
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China 86 Mobile codes: 8613, 15, 130, 138, 189, 13, 139, 1
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Christmas Island 6189
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Cocos Islands 6189
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Colombia 57 Bogota 12, Cali 231, Medellin 421, Pereira 631
Mobile codes: 316, 313, 310, 3, 317, 314, 311, 300, 320, 312, 301, 42, 321, 315
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Comoros 269
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Congo 242 Mobile codes: 97, 6, 5, 7, 31, 95, 4
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Cook Islands 682 Mobile codes: 283, 6
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Costa Rica 506 Mobile codes: 8, 283, 284, 3
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Croatia 385 Mobile codes: 99, 95, 9, 97, 91, 92, 98
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Cuba 53 Guantanamo 9
Mobile codes: 226
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Cyprus 357 Personal Number 700
Mobile codes: 992, 977, 999, 7777, 9978, 9975, 996, 993, 990, 96, 9979, 9976, 9971, 994, 991, 976, 998, 9, 9977, 9974, 995
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Czech Republic 420 Mobile codes: 723, 962, 79, 72, 606, 601, 966, 724, 963, 602, 93, 73, 607, 604, 967, 6, 964, 603, 961, 77, 608, 605, 8, 965
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Democratic Republic Of Congo 243 Rate Services 42
Mobile codes: 88, 78, 8
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Denmark 45 Mobile codes: 70, 211, 238, 247, 306, 5181, 6145, 226, 412, 5060, 5217, 5270, 5333, 311, 3135, 4284, 618, 278, 4278, 5337, 203, 235, 244, 303, 516, 6142, 223, 408, 503, 5214, 5260, 5316, 6097, 3132, 4281, 535, 275, 423, 5334, 2, 232, 241, 299, 513, 613, 209, 405, 4280, 5211, 5252, 5313, 6094, 31317, 319, 4294, 268, 289, 5330, 20, 218, 2397, 296, 404, 519, 206, 255, 425, 508, 5242, 5310, 6091, 31314, 316, 4291, 265, 286, 5189, 604, 922, 215, 2393, 293, 401, 5185, 615, 251, 418, 5066, 5230, 5290, 607, 31311, 3139, 4288, 262, 283, 4298, 601, 77, 212, 2390, 248, 307, 5182, 6147, 227, 413, 5061, 5220, 5277, 539, 312, 3136, 4285, 619, 279, 4279, 5338, 40, 204, 236, 245, 304, 517, 6143, 224, 409, 504, 5215, 5262, 5317, 6099, 3133, 4282, 5360, 276, 4276, 5335, 201, 233, 242, 301, 514, 6140, 221, 406, 501, 5212, 5253, 5314, 6095, 31318, 414, 4295, 269, 421, 5331, 26, 219, 2398, 297, 511, 611, 207, 256, 4260, 509, 5244, 5311, 6092, 31315, 317, 4292, 266, 287, 5319, 6146, 21, 216, 2394, 294, 402, 5186, 616, 252, 419, 5067, 5233, 5292, 608, 31312, 314, 4289, 263, 284, 4299, 602, 88, 213, 2391, 249, 308, 5183, 6148, 228, 416, 5062, 5222, 5280, 605, 3130, 3137, 4286, 2395, 281, 4296, 5339, 50, 205, 237, 246, 305, 5180, 6144, 225, 411, 505, 5216, 5266, 5318, 258, 3134, 4283, 6098, 277, 4277, 5336, 202, 234, 243, 302, 515, 6141, 222, 407, 502, 5213, 5255, 5315, 6096, 31319, 415, 506, 274, 422, 5332, 30, 28, 231, 2399, 298, 512, 612, 208, 259, 4270, 5210, 5250, 5312, 6093, 31316, 318, 4293, 267, 288, 532, 22, 217, 2396, 295, 403, 5187, 617, 254, 424, 507, 5240, 5299, 6090, 31313, 315, 4290, 264, 285, 5188, 603, 90, 214, 2392, 292, 309, 5184, 6149, 229, 417, 5065, 5225, 5288, 606, 31310, 3138, 4287, 261, 282, 4297, 534, 272, 271, 273, 257
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Diego Garcia 246 Mobile codes: 9
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Djibouti 253 Mobile codes: 80
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Dominica 1767 Mobile codes: 276, 245, 614, 611, 315, 277, 265, 235, 615, 612, 316, 285, 275, 225, 616, 613, 317, 295
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Dominican Republic 1829 Mobile codes: 310
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
East Timor 670 Mobile codes: 9
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Ecuador 593 Cuenca 720
Mobile codes: 92, 85, 921, 873, 998, 803, 909, 870, 990, 800, 906, 995, 928, 823, 903, 991, 925, 820, 900, 93, 877, 97, 86, 922, 874, 999, 804, 91, 871, 992, 801, 907, 996, 929, 824, 904, 993, 926, 821, 901, 94, 878, 98, 88, 923, 875, 9, 82, 920, 872, 997, 802, 908, 84, 95, 96, 905, 994, 927, 822, 902, 969, 879, 99, 89, 924, 876
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Egypt 20 Mobile codes: 11, 10, 12
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El Salvador 503 Mobile codes: 26135, 702, 775, 7986, 22465, 23179, 25061, 2697, 7787, 2200, 22379, 23121, 22565, 2328, 2373, 2431, 25185, 26401, 770, 7846, 23434, 734, 7983, 23051, 23132, 24127, 2502, 26132, 2656, 765, 795, 22078, 23176, 2501, 26752, 773, 792, 22376, 2287, 22548, 23172, 23659, 2414, 2514, 2631, 717, 782, 23431, 731, 7980, 23018, 23108, 2411, 24178, 26108, 26149, 762, 7844, 22075, 23168, 24754, 2623, 758, 789, 22198, 22687, 22545, 23164, 23442, 23901, 2479, 2601, 714, 7793, 9, 26433, 7801, 23015, 23105, 23199, 24175, 26146, 709, 7841, 22017, 23165, 24751, 2555, 755, 7799, 22183, 22598, 22474, 23161, 22591, 23412, 23830, 24564, 2536, 711, 7790, 7, 26430, 777, 2300, 23064, 23139, 24139, 26105, 26139, 706, 7808, 2121, 22469, 2403, 2507, 752, 7796, 22180, 22594, 22471, 23148, 22569, 23362, 23751, 24561, 2533, 2679, 7782, 799, 24233, 738, 22665, 23055, 23136, 24136, 26082, 26136, 703, 7805, 7987, 22466, 23374, 25062, 72, 7788, 2202, 2238, 23122, 22566, 2329, 23740, 2434, 2530, 26402, 771, 7847, 24230, 735, 210, 23052, 23133, 24128, 2512, 26133, 700, 766, 796, 22079, 23177, 2505, 26753, 7785, 793, 22377, 2302, 22549, 23173, 2366, 2427, 2516, 2635, 718, 783, 23432, 732, 7981, 23019, 23109, 24125, 24179, 26109, 2615, 763, 785, 22076, 23169, 2497, 26750, 759, 790, 2233, 22688, 22546, 23170, 23443, 23902, 2489, 2612, 715, 7794, 22855, 26434, 7802, 23016, 23106, 2323, 24176, 26147, 760, 7842, 22018, 23166, 24752, 2603, 756, 787, 22184, 22627, 22475, 23162, 23440, 23831, 24710, 25386, 712, 7791, 70, 26431, 797, 23013, 23065, 23197, 2415, 26106, 26141, 70700, 7809, 22015, 22809, 2404, 2508, 753, 7797, 22181, 22595, 22472, 23149, 2257, 23410, 23800, 24562, 2534, 70701, 7783, 38, 24234, 739, 22666, 23056, 23137, 24137, 26083, 26137, 704, 7806, 7988, 22467, 23920, 25063, 750, 7789, 2210, 22592, 2244, 23123, 22567, 23360, 23741, 24385, 2531, 2677, 7780, 7848, 24231, 736, 22663, 23053, 23134, 24129, 26080, 26134, 701, 774, 7985, 2208, 23178, 25060, 26754, 7786, 794, 22378, 23120, 22564, 23174, 2367, 2430, 2517, 26400, 719, 7845, 23433, 733, 7982, 23050, 23131, 24126, 2455, 26131, 2634, 764, 786, 22077, 23175, 2500, 26751, 772, 791, 2236, 2275, 22547, 23171, 23444, 2405, 2513, 2620, 716, 781, 23430, 730, 7803, 23017, 23107, 2355, 24177, 26148, 761, 7843, 22019, 23167, 24753, 2609, 757, 788, 22197, 22628, 22476, 23163, 23441, 23900, 24730, 2600, 713, 7792, 8, 26432, 25150, 23014, 23066, 23198, 2416, 26107, 26145, 708, 7840, 22016, 2304, 24750, 2509, 754, 7798, 22182, 22597, 22473, 23160, 22590, 23411, 23801, 24563, 2535, 710, 7784, 39, 2504, 776, 22667, 23057, 23138, 24138, 26084, 26138, 705, 7807, 7989, 22468, 2397, 25064, 751, 7795, 2211, 22593, 22470, 23124, 22568, 23361, 23750, 24560, 2532, 2678, 7781, 7849, 24232, 737, 22664, 23054, 23135, 24135, 26081
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Equatorial Guinea 240 Mobile codes: 5, 6, 7, 2
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Eritrea 291 Mobile codes: 7
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Estonia 372 Mobile codes: 573, 591, 50, 538, 530, 577, 574, 8, 51, 539, 534, 578, 575, 572, 52, 590, 537, 579, 576, 53, 5
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Ethiopia 251 Mobile codes: 92, 9
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Faeroe Islands 298 Mobile codes: 288
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Falkland Islands 500 Mobile codes: 9
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Fiji Islands 679 Mobile codes: 9, 21
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Finland 358 Mobile codes: 49, 50, 4, 40
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France 33 Paris 1, Premier 9
Mobile codes: 6062, 654, 665, 61, 604, 647, 662, 6068, 36, 642, 659, 6065, 633, 650, 6040, 630, 68, 669, 636, 6063, 656, 666, 62, 6060, 648, 663, 6069, 601, 643, 660, 6066, 637, 653, 605, 631, 638, 698, 646, 607, 657, 667, 634, 6061, 649, 664, 609, 603, 645, 661, 6067, 6, 641, 658, 6064, 632, 640, 699, 655, 608, 67, 668, 635
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French Antilles 596 Mobile codes: 696
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French Guiana 594 Mobile codes: 694
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French Polynesia 689 Mobile codes: 2, 77
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Gabon 241 Mobile codes: 7, 3, 06, 03, 5, 25, 07, 04, 6, 26, 05
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Gambia 220 Mobile codes: 6, 7, 9
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Georgia 995 Tbilisi 32
Mobile codes: 95, 55, 99, 97, 58, 77, 98, 90, 3297, 93, 68
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Germany 49 Mobile codes: 90, 18, 16, 1, 70, 161, 60, 80, 17, 155, 152, 178, 15, 179, 157, 171, 174, 162, 180, 150, 163, 159, 175, 160, 172, 1888, 151, 177, 176, 156, 170, 173
View dialing codes and compare Germany phone cards
Ghana 233 Accra 21
Mobile codes: 20, 24, 27, 28
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Gibraltar 350 Mobile codes: 57, 58, 56, 54
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Greece 30 Mobile codes: 699, 69, 693, 694, 9, 698, 690, 695, 697
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Greenland 299 Mobile codes: 58, 55, 52, 42, 56, 53, 47, 4, 57, 54, 51, 5
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Grenada 1473 Mobile codes: 422, 419, 416, 536, 410, 533, 405, 457, 407, 441, 420, 417, 537, 414, 534, 406, 458, 403, 449, 421, 418, 538, 415, 535, 409, 459, 404, 456
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Guadeloupe 590 Mobile codes: 35, 690
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Guam 1671
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Guatemala 502 Mobile codes: 90, 407, 454, 461, 519, 5521, 5719, 6628, 2450, 4394, 4473, 528, 5549, 5915, 7859, 404, 451, 458, 516, 536, 5580, 5918, 2377, 4391, 4470, 525, 5546, 567, 7744, 401, 4098, 4559, 505, 533, 5551, 588, 2279, 437, 444, 522, 5541, 564, 7741, 2428, 4095, 4556, 500, 5318, 5528, 578, 2269, 434, 441, 510, 5518, 5606, 6677, 2328, 4092, 4553, 4650, 5315, 5525, 575, 2229, 431, 4398, 507, 539, 5603, 6649, 7969, 231, 408, 4550, 462, 520, 5522, 572, 7728, 2459, 4395, 4474, 529, 5600, 5916, 7879, 405, 452, 459, 517, 537, 5581, 5919, 2378, 4392, 4471, 526, 5547, 568, 7759, 402, 4099, 456, 506, 534, 5552, 589, 2375, 438, 445, 523, 5542, 565, 7742, 2429, 4096, 4557, 503, 5319, 5529, 580, 2277, 435, 442, 514, 5519, 5607, 6679, 2329, 4093, 4554, 4651, 5316, 5526, 576, 2267, 432, 4399, 508, 540, 5604, 6659, 7979, 2326, 4090, 4551, 463, 530, 5523, 573, 7828, 2470, 4396, 4475, 5312, 5601, 5917, 7959, 5, 406, 453, 460, 518, 538, 570, 599, 2379, 4393, 4472, 527, 5548, 579, 7779, 403, 450, 457, 515, 535, 5553, 590, 2376, 4390, 446, 524, 5545, 566, 7743, 400, 4097, 4558, 504, 532, 5550, 5819, 2278, 436, 443, 521, 5540, 5608, 7740, 2427, 4094, 4555, 4652, 5317, 5527, 577, 2268, 433, 440, 509, 550, 5605, 6660, 2327, 4091, 4552, 464, 5314, 5524, 574, 7929, 430, 4397, 502, 5313, 5602, 6648, 7968
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Guinea 224 Mobile codes: 64, 60, 12, 65, 62, 13, 67, 63, 40, 11
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Guinea Bissau 245 Mobile codes: 1, 29
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Guyana 592 Mobile codes: 1
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Haiti 509 Mobile codes: 384, 381, 36, 85, 7, 82, 4, 39, 385, 382, 37, 34, 83, 3, 80, 386, 383, 380, 35, 84, 6, 81, 330, 38
View dialing codes and compare Haiti phone cards
Hawaii 1808
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Honduras 504 Mobile codes: 88, 976, 992, 9959, 305, 33, 7252, 85, 973, 989, 99573, 99993, 302, 318, 7240, 970, 986, 99570, 9996, 315, 7217, 899, 967, 983, 99540, 9993, 312, 7214, 896, 959, 980, 99510, 9990, 309, 37, 888, 956, 977, 993, 996, 306, 34, 885, 86, 974, 990, 99574, 303, 319, 7250, 971, 987, 99571, 9997, 9, 316, 7218, 83, 968, 984, 99550, 9994, 313, 7215, 897, 960, 981, 9952, 9991, 310, 38, 889, 957, 978, 994, 997, 307, 35, 886, 87, 975, 991, 9958, 304, 32, 7251, 972, 988, 99572, 9998, 301, 317, 7219, 84, 969, 985, 99560, 9995, 314, 7216, 898, 966, 982, 99530, 9992, 311, 39, 895, 958, 979, 99500, 998, 308, 36, 887
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Hong Kong 852 Mobile codes: 812, 56, 51, 819, 213, 59, 53, 821, 6, 54, 17
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Hungary 36 Budapest 1
Mobile codes: 60, 20, 30, 70
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Iceland 354 Mobile codes: 82, 772, 659, 675, 827, 398, 758, 628, 672, 632, 630, 625, 669, 823, 374, 622, 666, 820, 617, 663, 679, 86, 84, 773, 660, 676, 828, 399, 770, 629, 673, 637, 650, 626, 670, 824, 3803, 623, 667, 821, 3, 620, 664, 68, 87, 85, 615, 661, 677, 829, 62, 771, 649, 674, 826, 655, 627, 671, 825, 389, 624, 668, 822, 373, 621, 665, 69, 88, 89, 616, 662, 678, 83, 388
View dialing codes and compare Iceland phone cards
India 91 Ahmedabad 79, Bangalore 80
Mobile codes: 97, 93, 90, 118, 99, 94, 91, 119, 96, 92, 98
View dialing codes and compare India phone cards
Indonesia 62 Jakarta 21, Malang 341, Medan 61, Surabaya 31
Mobile codes: 821, 859, 817, 856, 814, 838, 889, 812, 828, 886, 28, 825, 883, 822, 878, 818, 857, 815, 853, 898, 813, 829, 887, 8, 826, 884, 8681, 823, 881, 819, 858, 816, 855, 899, 810, 8315, 888, 811, 827, 885, 82, 824, 882, 8684, 8680, 8688, 8685, 8682, 8689, 8686, 8683, 8687
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Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean E 871
View dialing codes and compare Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean E phone cards
Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean W 874
View dialing codes and compare Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean W phone cards
Inmarsat Indian Ocean 873
View dialing codes and compare Inmarsat Indian Ocean phone cards
Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 872
View dialing codes and compare Inmarsat Pacific Ocean phone cards
Inmarsat Snac 870
View dialing codes and compare Inmarsat Snac phone cards
International Networks 882
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Iran 98 Mobile codes: 9, 911
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Iraq 964 Mobile codes: 7904, 7901, 77, 7908, 7905, 7902, 760, 9, 7909, 7906, 7903, 780, 75, 7907
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Ireland 353 Mobile codes: 83, 85, 87, 38, 81, 88, 8, 82, 89, 86, 3, 894
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Iridium 881
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Israel 972 Palestinian Authority 22, Tel Aviv 3
Mobile codes: 53, 50, 58, 57, 54, 51, 151, 6, 55, 52, 153, 5, 56, 59
View dialing codes and compare Israel phone cards
Italy 39 Mobile codes: 340, 322, 343, 393, 338, 390, 34, 335, 366, 376, 331, 361, 35, 328, 349, 388, 341, 323, 344, 397, 313, 339, 391, 168, 336, 370, 381, 333, 362, 360, 329, 377, 389, 347, 324, 345, 380, 320, 342, 392, 3, 337, 373, 39, 334, 363, 368, 330, 383, 348, 327, 346, 387, 310
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Ivory Coast 225 Mobile codes: 9, 0, 01, 8
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Jamaica 1876 Mobile codes: 46, 787, 809, 35, 507, 648, 497, 557, 70, 782, 806, 288, 504, 58, 494, 553, 621, 7, 707, 799, 285, 47, 568, 491, 550, 597, 53, 796, 995, 42, 565, 89, 527, 594, 32, 791, 909, 39, 561, 86, 521, 591, 2, 788, 81, 36, 508, 649, 498, 558, 3, 783, 807, 289, 505, 618, 495, 554, 28, 8, 77, 804, 286, 48, 569, 492, 551, 598, 54, 797, 997, 43, 566, 30, 528, 595, 33, 792, 919, 40, 562, 87, 522, 592, 210, 789, 82, 37, 509, 84, 499, 559, 44, 784, 808, 29, 506, 619, 496, 556, 9, 781, 805, 287, 503, 57, 493, 552, 599, 700, 798, 999, 45, 567, 490, 529, 596, 34, 793, 990, 41, 564, 88, 524, 593, 31, 790, 83, 38, 560, 85, 520, 590
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Japan 81 Mobile codes: 80, 90, 70
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Jordan 962 Amman 6
Mobile codes: 796, 779, 79, 797, 790, 776, 1, 799, 795, 777, 7
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Kazakhstan 7 Zhezkazgan 710
Mobile codes: 700, 57, 707, 701, 70, 702, 777, 705
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Kenya 254 Mobile codes: 77, 8, 7, 71, 73, 72
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Kiribati 686 Mobile codes: 0
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Kuwait 965 Mobile codes: 40, 7, 98, 95, 92, 6, 44, 3, 99, 96, 93, 90, 51, 2, 9, 97, 94, 91, 57
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Kyrgyzstan 996 Mobile codes: 517, 5, 77, 502
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Laos 856 Mobile codes: 30, 20
View dialing codes and compare Laos phone cards
Latvia 371 Riga 7
Mobile codes: 2236, 288, 2559, 2552, 2722, 2766, 2233, 2846, 2556, 292, 2284, 2589, 2763, 2230, 282, 2203, 286, 2281, 2586, 2760, 83, 9, 269, 2200, 278, 2239, 2583, 273, 6816, 260, 298, 264, 2208, 2726, 279, 2237, 295, 261, 2205, 2553, 2723, 2767, 2234, 2847, 2557, 293, 2550, 2720, 2764, 2231, 2844, 2204, 287, 2282, 2587, 2761, 8501, 200, 270, 2201, 283, 225, 2584, 274, 68501, 2, 267, 299, 265, 2209, 2581, 2728, 2238, 296, 262, 2206, 2554, 2724, 2769, 2235, 2848, 2558, 294, 2551, 2721, 2765, 2232, 2845, 224, 291, 2283, 2588, 2762, 8502, 203, 271, 2202, 2849, 2280, 2585, 275, 68502, 6, 268, 202, 266, 221, 2582, 2729, 6815, 259, 297, 263, 2207, 2555, 2725, 277, 2580, 21, 2840, 2010
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Lebanon 961 Mobile codes: 71, 3, 70
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Lesotho 266 Mobile codes: 8, 5, 6
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Liberia 231 Mobile codes: 5, 38, 227, 33, 6, 39, 228, 3, 7, 4, 229, 226
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Libya 218 Mobile codes: 91, 92
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Liechtenstein 423 Mobile codes: 6, 7, 5, 77
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Lithuania 370 Mobile codes: 99, 89, 86, 79, 90, 87, 84, 98, 88, 85, 6
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Luxembourg 352 Mobile codes: 668, 621, 98, 68, 21, 691, 628, 023, 9, 28, 698, 661, 021, 91, 291
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Macau 853 Mobile codes: 6
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Macedonia 389 Mobile codes: 77, 71, 7, 78, 72, 75, 76, 70
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Madagascar 261 Gulfsat 22
Mobile codes: 34, 3
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Malawi 265 Mobile codes: 5, 9, 8, 4
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Malaysia 60 Mobile codes: 10, 17, 14, 11, 18, 15, 12, 1, 19, 16, 13
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Maldives 960
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Mali 223 Mobile codes: 40, 65, 731, 761, 87, 32, 57, 63, 753, 794, 70, 54, 60, 750, 791, 51, 97, 745, 788, 46, 69, 740, 785, 91, 41, 66, 732, 762, 88, 33, 58, 64, 754, 85, 30, 55, 61, 751, 792, 52, 98, 746, 789, 47, 95, 741, 786, 92, 44, 67, 733, 763, 89, 34, 59, 730, 760, 86, 31, 56, 62, 752, 793, 53, 99, 747, 790, 50, 96, 744, 787, 45, 68, 734, 764, 90
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Malta 356 Mobile codes: 99, 72, 79, 92, 7
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Mariana Islands 1670 Mobile codes: 287
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Marshall Islands 692
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Mauritania 222 Mobile codes: 7, 2, 4, 6, 3
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Mauritius 230 Mobile codes: 79, 702, 498, 76, 98, 494, 73, 94, 491, 709, 877, 423, 706, 871, 25, 703, 499, 77, 495, 74, 95, 492, 71, 91, 428, 707, 875, 421, 704, 701, 78, 497, 75, 97, 493, 72, 93, 429, 708, 876, 422, 705
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Mayotte 269 Mobile codes: 639, 1
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Mexico 52 Acapulco 744, Aguascalientes 449, Celaya 461, Chihuahua 614, Ciudad Juarez 656, Cuernavaca 777, Guadalajara 33, Irapuato 462, Leon 477, Matamoros 871, Mexico City 55, Monterrey 810, Puebla 222, Queretaro 442, San Luis Potosi 444, Tepatitlan 378, Tijuana 664, Torreon 871
Mobile codes: 1
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Micronesia 691
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Moldova 3732 Mobile codes: 6, 9, 7
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Monaco 377 Mobile codes: 4, 6, 7, 47, 45, 44, 46
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Mongolia 976 Mobile codes: 96, 92, 56, 98, 93, 88, 99, 95, 91, 55
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Montenegro 382 Mobile codes: 70, 68, 67, 63, 69
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Montserrat 1664 Mobile codes: 495, 492, 496, 349, 493
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Morocco 212 Mobile codes: 12, 69, 58, 1, 63, 53, 44, 50, 34, 18, 78, 26, 13, 72, 14, 74, 59, 10, 64, 54, 45, 51, 40, 41, 27, 15, 76, 17, 75, 70, 11, 65, 55, 6, 60, 52, 47, 48, 33, 16, 77, 19, 79, 71
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Mozambique 258 Mobile codes: 82, 84
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Myanmar 95 Mobile codes: 9
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Namibia 264 Mobile codes: 85, 811, 81
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Nauru 674 Mobile codes: 88
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Nepal 977 Kathmandu 12
Mobile codes: 97, 99, 980, 984, 9810, 985
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Netherlands 31 Mobile codes: 80, 67, 654, 650, 63, 85, 68, 655, 651, 6, 64, 9, 69, 66, 653, 65, 62, 610, 660, 61
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Netherlands Antilles 599 Mobile codes: 2, 54, 79
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New Caledonia 687 Mobile codes: 84, 81, 77, 85, 82, 78, 86, 83, 79, 76
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New Zealand 64 Mobile codes: 27, 800, 24, 21, 28, 90, 25, 22, 29, 900, 26, 23, 2
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Nicaragua 505 Mobile codes: 3, 42, 614, 630, 646, 662, 698, 843, 859, 675, 803, 819, 9, 611, 627, 643, 659, 695, 840, 856, 672, 688, 816, 98, 73, 608, 624, 640, 656, 692, 828, 853, 48, 685, 813, 95, 6, 605, 621, 637, 653, 669, 825, 850, 94, 682, 810, 897, 52, 602, 618, 634, 650, 666, 822, 847, 91, 679, 807, 894, 311, 49, 615, 631, 647, 663, 699, 844, 890, 676, 804, 40, 612, 628, 644, 660, 696, 841, 857, 673, 689, 817, 99, 8, 609, 625, 641, 657, 693, 829, 854, 670, 686, 814, 96, 7, 606, 622, 638, 654, 690, 826, 851, 45, 683, 811, 898, 54, 603, 619, 635, 651, 667, 823, 848, 92, 680, 808, 895, 341, 600, 616, 632, 648, 664, 820, 891, 677, 805, 87, 41, 613, 629, 645, 661, 697, 842, 858, 674, 802, 818, 88, 610, 626, 642, 658, 694, 83, 855, 671, 687, 815, 97, 71, 607, 623, 639, 655, 691, 827, 852, 47, 684, 812, 899, 55, 604, 620, 636, 652, 668, 824, 849, 93, 681, 809, 896, 5, 601, 617, 633, 649, 665, 821, 846, 892, 678, 806, 893, 86, 845
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Niger Republic 227 Mobile codes: 8, 9
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Nigeria 234 Lagos 1
Mobile codes: 90, 805, 806, 47, 807, 802, 703, 808, 804, 803
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Niue 683 Mobile codes: 8
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Norfolk Islands 6723 Mobile codes: 3, 4
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North Korea 850
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Norway 47 Mobile codes: 90, 4007, 4052, 40827, 4100, 4568, 4598, 4677, 4848, 9277, 942, 9684, 9985, 4189, 4722, 4768, 5901, 9124, 9419, 950, 9622, 970, 9798, 9967, 4004, 404, 4077, 4097, 4559, 4593, 4674, 4840, 924, 9410, 9681, 9876, 4186, 4696, 4765, 482, 908, 9416, 9490, 9604, 9697, 9795, 993, 4, 4019, 4066, 4094, 454, 4588, 466, 4835, 9217, 9377, 9668, 984, 417, 4693, 4762, 4799, 9047, 9413, 9478, 958, 9694, 975, 9915, 966, 4016, 4063, 4087, 451, 4584, 464, 4744, 599, 934, 9665, 9815, 414, 4690, 4751, 4790, 9036, 9199, 9475, 9552, 9663, 9747, 9910, 94, 4011, 4060, 4084, 4117, 4578, 4637, 4715, 4852, 9317, 9448, 9688, 9989, 4587, 4748, 4776, 900, 917, 9453, 9533, 9660, 9742, 9907, 91, 4008, 4053, 40828, 4101, 4569, 4599, 4678, 4849, 928, 9442, 9685, 9986, 4580, 4745, 4770, 5902, 913, 9450, 951, 9623, 971, 9799, 9968, 41, 4005, 4050, 40825, 4098, 4566, 4594, 4675, 4841, 9257, 9411, 9682, 988, 4187, 4720, 4766, 4830, 909, 9417, 9497, 9609, 9698, 9796, 994, 4000, 402, 4067, 4095, 4550, 4589, 4670, 4836, 922, 938, 9669, 9854, 4184, 4694, 4763, 480, 906, 9414, 9479, 959, 9695, 976, 9916, 967, 4017, 4064, 4088, 452, 4585, 4650, 4833, 920, 9357, 9666, 982, 415, 4691, 4760, 4797, 9040, 9403, 9476, 9555, 9689, 9748, 9911, 95, 4014, 4061, 4085, 4118, 4579, 4638, 4716, 4859, 932, 9449, 9692, 4002, 4597, 4749, 4777, 901, 918, 9454, 9536, 9661, 9743, 9908, 92, 4009, 4054, 40829, 4106, 4576, 4634, 4679, 4850, 9297, 9443, 9686, 9987, 4581, 4746, 4771, 591, 915, 9451, 952, 9650, 9740, 9905, 59, 9, 4006, 4051, 40826, 4099, 4567, 4595, 4676, 4842, 926, 9412, 9683, 9899, 4188, 4721, 4767, 5900, 911, 9418, 9498, 9620, 9699, 9797, 995, 4001, 403, 4068, 4096, 4551, 4591, 4673, 4837, 9237, 9391, 9680, 986, 4185, 4695, 4764, 481, 907, 9415, 948, 9601, 9696, 977, 992, 968, 4018, 4065, 4089, 4539, 4586, 4654, 4834, 9210, 936, 9667, 9837, 416, 4692, 4761, 4798, 9041, 9405, 9477, 957, 9693, 9749, 9912, 965, 4015, 4062, 4086, 450, 4583, 4639, 4717, 4893, 9337, 9664, 980, 4003, 468, 4750, 478, 902, 9191, 9474, 954, 9662, 9746, 9909, 93, 4010, 4055, 4083, 4107, 4577, 4635, 4714, 4851, 930, 9447, 9687, 9988, 4582, 4747, 4775, 592, 916, 9452, 9530, 9651, 9741, 9906
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Oman 968 Mobile codes: 99, 96, 90, 970, 91, 98, 95, 92
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Pakistan 92 Karachi 21, Rawalpindi 51, Sihala 51
Mobile codes: 31, 20, 35, 32, 3, 00, 36, 33, 30, 03, 34
View dialing codes and compare Pakistan phone cards
Palau 680 Mobile codes: 9
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Palestine 970 Mobile codes: 59, 5
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Panama 507 Panama City 2
Mobile codes: 7, 659, 41, 656, 21, 647, 644, 682, 641, 663, 8, 660, 5, 657, 3, 648, 645, 683, 642, 664, 9, 661, 6, 658, 40, 649, 20, 646, 685, 643, 681, 640, 662
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Papua New Guinea 675 Mobile codes: 1238
View dialing codes and compare Papua New Guinea phone cards
Paraguay 595 Asuncion 21
Mobile codes: 97, 943, 98, 945, 9, 99, 96, 941
View dialing codes and compare Paraguay phone cards
Peru 51 Lima 10
Mobile codes: 185, 19805, 1997, 569, 19947, 529, 839, 1993, 439, 749, 1989, 746, 679, 19809, 9462, 649, 19806, 619, 19948, 539, 849, 19943, 449, 769, 1991, 419, 729, 1986, 346, 659, 19807, 629, 19949, 549, 19804, 19946, 519, 829, 1992, 429, 739, 1987, 19, 669, 19808, 639
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Philippines 63 Mobile codes: 929, 933, 920, 922, 912, 927, 908, 916, 97, 905, 3, 938, 921, 923, 918, 935, 909, 917, 27, 906, 9, 98, 928, 932, 919, 937, 910, 926, 907, 915, 91, 817
View dialing codes and compare Philippines phone cards
Poland 48 Warsaw 22
Mobile codes: 88, 793, 790, 72, 98, 50, 794, 791, 78, 66, 60, 796, 792, 79, 69, 90, 535
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Portugal 351 Mobile codes: 6009, 96, 91, 676, 193, 659, 609, 169, 6, 8, 196, 669, 1193, 610, 189, 92, 9, 470, 1196, 639
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Puerto Rico 1939 Mobile codes: 246
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Puerto Rico 1939 Mobile codes: 246
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Qatar 974 Mobile codes: 5, 22, 6, 2, 3
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Reunion Island 262 Mobile codes: 692, 693, 6
View dialing codes and compare Reunion Island phone cards
Romania 40 Bucharest 21
Mobile codes: 7, 75, 72, 76, 73, 9, 78, 74
View dialing codes and compare Romania phone cards
Russia 7 Moscow 495, St. Petersburg 812
Mobile codes: 90, 903, 9, 916, 902, 905, 901
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Rwanda 250 Mobile codes: 8
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Saipan 966 Mobile codes: 2, 1
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San Marino 378 Mobile codes: 6
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Sao Tome And Principe 239 Mobile codes: 90
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Saudi Arabia 966 Dhahran 3, Jeddah 22, Riyadh 12
Mobile codes: 59, 54, 50, 55, 51, 56, 53, 5
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Senegal 221 Mobile codes: 77, 67, 68, 6, 76, 63
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Serbia 381 Mobile codes: 6, 60
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Seychelles 248 Mobile codes: 53, 54, 55, 52
View dialing codes and compare Seychelles phone cards
Sierra Leone 232 Freetown 22
Mobile codes: 77, 40, 90, 50, 30, 76, 33
View dialing codes and compare Sierra Leone phone cards
Singapore 65 Mobile codes: 9399, 9460, 9453, 9450, 9447, 9444, 9435, 8, 9, 9454, 9451, 9448, 9445, 9438, 9388, 9455, 9452, 9449, 9446, 9443
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Sint Maarten 1721 Mobile codes: 5
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Slovakia 421 Mobile codes: 911, 915, 906, 903, 9, 912, 916, 907, 904, 901, 918, 908, 905, 902, 90
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Slovenia 386 Mobile codes: 70, 41, 9814, 51, 609, 31, 641, 30, 40, 43
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Solomon Islands 677 Mobile codes: 1
View dialing codes and compare Solomon Islands phone cards
Somalia 252
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South Africa 27 Mobile codes: 71, 82, 83, 72
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South Korea 82 Mobile codes: 27, 1, 10
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South Sudan 211
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Spain 34 Mobile codes: 630, 686, 655, 626, 676, 652, 618, 660, 644, 695, 608, 649, 625, 691, 6, 642, 699, 665, 636, 689, 656, 628, 679, 653, 619, 668, 645, 609, 650, 635, 692, 601, 646, 605, 675, 638, 690, 657, 629, 680, 654, 620, 669, 651, 616, 659, 640, 693, 606, 648, 615, 685, 639, 696, 658
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Sri Lanka 94 Mobile codes: 78, 74, 77, 7, 71, 72
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St. Helena 290
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St. Kitts 1869 Mobile codes: 662
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St. Kitts & Nevis 1869 Mobile codes: 556, 662, 469
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St. Lucia 1758 Mobile codes: 284
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St. Pierre And Miquelon 508 Mobile codes: 55
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St. Vincent & Grenadines 1784 Mobile codes: 1, 430
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Sudan 249 Mobile codes: 12, 91, 92, 123
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Suriname 597 Mobile codes: 71, 8, 89, 86, 81, 1, 87, 82, 68, 88, 85
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Swaziland 268 Mobile codes: 600, 6
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Sweden 46 Mobile codes: 7, 719000, 7385, 7010, 80, 70199, 7342, 7687, 10, 70196, 733, 7664, 674, 7325, 7661, 518, 7320, 7636, 701, 252, 7310, 7386, 7012, 89, 708, 7343, 7688, 20, 70197, 7340, 7685, 7011, 7326, 7662, 519, 7323, 7637, 253, 7314, 7388, 7013, 90, 709, 7344, 7689, 70, 70198, 7341, 7686, 7014, 7328, 7663, 673, 7324, 7660, 376, 7315, 7635, 7017
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Switzerland 41 Mobile codes: 89, 79, 76, 50, 86076, 86078, 90, 80, 70, 20, 774, 79000, 86, 78, 74, 40, 860774, 79979, 77
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Syria 963 Mobile codes: 98, 94, 99, 95, 96, 93
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Taiwan 886 Mobile codes: 9, 945, 941, 99, 934, 963, 928, 950, 912, 949, 70, 946, 943, 937, 972, 932, 957, 919, 951, 910, 947, 60, 944, 940, 988, 933, 959, 921, 942, 911, 948
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Tajikistan 992 Mobile codes: 90, 372, 91
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Tanzania 255 Mobile codes: 9, 748, 744, 741, 8, 811, 747, 742, 7, 812, 73, 743
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Thailand 66 Bangkok 2
Mobile codes: 320, 3796, 48, 738, 79, 1, 3793, 451, 72, 771, 377, 40, 6, 768, 361, 397, 57, 760, 350, 390, 52, 749, 321, 3797, 49, 739, 30, 3794, 46, 730, 777, 378, 41, 70, 769, 370, 398, 58, 761, 351, 391, 549, 750, 33, 3798, 50, 740, 31, 3795, 47, 731, 78, 3792, 450, 71, 770, 371, 399, 59, 767, 360, 392, 561, 751, 340, 3799, 51, 741
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Togo 228 Mobile codes: 0
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Tokelau 690 Mobile codes: 5
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Tonga 676 Mobile codes: 1
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Trinidad & Tobago 1868 Mobile codes: 2, 67, 4, 4042, 3, 1
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Tunisia 216 Mobile codes: 25, 22, 9, 23, 20, 24, 21
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Turkey 90 Ankara 312, Istanbul 212, North Cyprus 392
Mobile codes: 50, 55, 5, 54, 53
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Turkmenistan 993 Mobile codes: 32
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Turks And Caicos 1649 Mobile codes: 9, 3
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Tuvalu 688 Mobile codes: 6
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
U.s. Virgin Islands 1340 Mobile codes: 9
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Uganda 256 Mobile codes: 3, 75, 20, 77, 76, 70, 78, 71
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Ukraine 380 Mobile codes: 94, 91, 63, 97, 50, 98, 92, 95, 66, 67, 99, 93, 96, 39, 931, 68
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United Arab Emirates 971 Mobile codes: 55, 566, 50
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United Kingdom 44 Personal Numbers 70
Mobile codes: 7513, 7544, 7594, 7724, 7763, 7849, 78721, 78740, 78934, 7933, 7541, 7591, 7716, 7749, 7843, 78649, 78737, 78928, 7926, 7525, 7564, 7708, 7743, 7840, 78646, 78734, 78924, 7922, 7521, 7561, 7705, 7738, 7821, 78642, 78731, 78749, 7907, 7517, 7548, 7598, 7732, 7793, 7858, 78726, 78746, 7894, 7938, 7514, 7545, 7595, 7725, 7764, 7851, 78723, 78741, 78935, 7934, 7511, 7542, 7592, 7718, 7756, 7844, 7871, 78738, 78929, 7927, 7526, 7565, 7709, 7745, 7841, 78647, 78735, 78926, 7923, 7522, 7562, 7706, 7739, 7834, 78643, 78732, 78920, 7912, 7518, 7549, 7599, 7734, 7819, 78640, 78728, 78747, 7895, 7955, 7515, 7546, 7596, 7729, 7783, 7856, 78724, 78742, 78936, 7935, 7512, 7543, 7593, 7719, 7762, 7845, 78720, 78739, 78932, 7928, 7540, 7590, 7715, 7746, 7842, 78648, 78736, 78927, 7925, 7523, 7563, 7707, 7742, 7835, 78645, 78733, 78923, 7921, 7519, 7560, 7704, 7736, 7820, 78641, 78729, 78748, 7902, 7999, 7516, 7547, 7597, 7731, 7784, 7857, 78725, 78743, 78937, 7936, 37, 468, 7702, 7753, 7785, 7850, 839, 1523, 4481, 7699, 7750, 7776, 7831, 802, 7733, 421, 76, 7741, 7771, 7808, 7901, 979, 79, 403, 73, 7720, 7768, 7801, 7889, 961, 385, 660, 7712, 7761, 7798, 7884, 941, 370, 498, 7703, 7754, 7787, 7860, 850, 1893, 4624, 77, 7751, 7778, 7833, 831, 1426, 4325, 7663, 7747, 7774, 7809, 7979, 3, 7721, 410, 74, 7730, 7769, 7802, 7899, 966, 401, 7713, 7765, 7799, 7885, 956, 374, 585, 7710, 7759, 7788, 7879, 860, 3367, 467, 7701, 7752, 7780, 7836, 836, 1459, 441, 7666, 7748, 7775, 7818, 7990, 7659, 411, 75, 7740, 7770, 7803, 973, 1399, 402, 72, 7714, 7767, 78, 7887, 958, 378, 589, 7711, 7760, 7796, 7880, 930, 7510, 7527, 71, 845, 7500, 7805, 7891, 7980, 7531, 7792, 7870, 7974, 7528, 7779, 7854, 7971, 75205, 7556, 7816, 7968, 75202, 75323, 7813, 7965, 7807, 7896, 7989, 75320, 7794, 7875, 7975, 7529, 7790, 7855, 7972, 7524, 7772, 7817, 7969, 75203, 75324, 7814, 7966, 7811, 7929, 75321, 7800, 7890, 7976, 7530, 7791, 7866, 7973, 7773, 7837, 7970, 75204, 7536, 7815, 7967, 7812, 7964, 75322, 7852, 7943, 7960, 7804, 7940, 7957, 7726, 7931, 7953, 7539, 7913, 7950, 7985, 7506, 7534, 7906, 7947, 7982, 7903, 7944, 7962, 7806, 7941, 7958, 7757, 7932, 7954, 7550, 7914, 7951, 7986, 7507, 7535, 7908, 7948, 7983, 7504, 7904, 7945, 7963, 7847, 7942, 7959, 7758, 7939, 7956, 7722, 7930, 7952, 7987, 7508, 7538, 7910, 7949, 7984, 7505, 7905, 7946, 7981, 7552, 7876, 7503, 7826, 7823, 7789, 7920, 7717, 7917, 7553, 7881, 75374, 7827, 7501, 7824, 7795, 7766, 7918, 7554, 7900, 7551, 7867, 7502, 7825, 7810, 7786, 7919, 7555, 7909
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Uruguay 598 Mobile codes: 97, 94, 91, 98, 95, 92, 9, 99, 96, 93, 90
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Usa 1
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Uzbekistan 998 Tashkent 71
Mobile codes: 92102, 91, 70, 9, 93, 92100, 79, 61, 95, 92101, 90, 97, 98
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Vanuatu 678 Mobile codes: 6
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Vatican City 379 Mobile codes: 6
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Venezuela 58 Caracas 212, Maracaibo 261, Valencia 241
Mobile codes: 424, 416, 223, 216, 426, 417, 412, 217, 414, 418, 415, 218, 215
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Vietnam 84 Hanoi 4, Ho Chi Min 8
Mobile codes: 122, 168, 123, 169, 126, 9, 166
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Wake Island 808
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Wallis And Futuna Island 681 Mobile codes: 9
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Western Samoa 685 Mobile codes: 7
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Yemen 967 Mobile codes: 71, 73, 79, 77, 70
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Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes:
CountryCountry CodeCity Codes
Zambia 260 Zamtel Mts 95
Mobile codes: 96, 97, 9
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Zanzibar 255
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Zimbabwe 263 Mobile codes: 11, 23, 91, 77
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